What is the Difference between E-Export and Cross-Border E-commerce?

What is the Difference between E-Export and Cross-Border E-commerce?

29 November 2021

Some measures have been taken due to the pandemic. Many practices have been implemented, such as restrictions and curfews. This has also changed the behavior of consumers. In this model, the demand for internet shopping has increased even more. These behaviors are expressed by definitions such as e-commerce, cross-border e-commerce or e-export. However, these concepts are different.

What is Cross-Border E-commerce?

For a retailer, Cross-Border e-Commerce is defined as selling goods through online platforms in different countries. It can be performed in the form of B2C or B2B or even C2C.

What is e-export?

E-export is defined as the process of selling real or virtual goods for money over the Internet. In short, e-export can be defined as an electronic version of commerce.

What is the Difference between Cross-Border E-Commerce and E-Export?

These two concepts are different from each other due to their processes. The cross-border e-commerce process can be summarized as follows;

  • The business model is determined.
  • The target country is determined and the installation process is completed.
  • A marketing plan is prepared according to the work to be done and the country.
  • Payment methods (bank account, PayPal, etc.) are determined for the target market.
  • Logistics centers and transportation conditions are determined.
  • Orders are sent in bulk to customers in the specified market. It constitutes the main difference with e-export.
  • Orders are delivered.
  • Payment, collection transactions are completed between companies or countries.

In addition to these processes, the customer service, advertising, marketing or content, etc. , can be added to the process.

E-export processes can be summarized as follows;

  • The business model is determined.
  • The target country is determined and the installation process is completed.
  • Payment methods (bank account, PayPal, etc.) are determined for the target market.
  • International shipping agreements are made with the Electronic Trade Customs Declaration.
  • Orders are sent individually to customers in the designated market.
  • Payment and collection procedures are completed between companies or countries.

In addition to these processes, the customer service, advertising, marketing or content, etc. , can be added to the process.

Online sales are very useful although different from each other. It is also quite suitable for the new situation that arises with the pandemic. In addition, it has many benefits such as reaching more customers, saving time and cost. According to estimates, it is understood that online sales, especially e-exports, will develop further with new concepts such as metaverse.