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Produktcode : KAA-42

Kanat Acrobat Leiter

Kurze Produktbeschreibung ● The box width*length*height measure is calculated according to the 12 steps. Varies according to the number of steps.
● Kanat Acrobat Ladder is made of aluminum material.
● Its lightweight and easy-to-carry features are suitable for professional use. It saves space with its sliding structure.
● Facilitates safe climbing with anti-slip steps and plastic wedges.
● Its durability is increased by safe, high-tech riveting.
● 8, 12, 16 and 20 steps options are available. The length can vary from 2,6 meters to 5,8 meters depending on the number of steps.
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    28x38x98 535-1090 450-925 185-380 1

    ● The box width*length*height measure is calculated according to the 12 steps. Varies according to the number of steps.
    ● Kanat Acrobat Ladder is made of aluminum material.
    ● Its lightweight and easy-to-carry features are suitable for professional use. It saves space with its sliding structure.
    ● Facilitates safe climbing with anti-slip steps and plastic wedges.
    ● Its durability is increased by safe, high-tech riveting.
    ● 8, 12, 16 and 20 steps options are available. The length can vary from 2,6 meters to 5,8 meters depending on the number of steps.

    Step Sheet Thickness: 1,2 mm
    Body Sheet Profile: 63x26x1,2mm Aluminium
    Step Width: 2.6 cm
    Carrying Capacity: 150 kg
    Materials: Aluminum
    Packaging: The ladder is covered with vacuum transparent nylon.
    0.28 x 0.38 x 0.67
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