Export Success with Plastic Utensils

Export Success with Plastic Utensils

15 November 2021

In many of our articles, we discussed the products exported from Turkey. We even talked about how these products have been successful. There has been noticeable success in the export of the Turkish home and kitchenware industry. Plastic utensils take an important place in this export success or trend.

How is Turkish Home and Kitchen Goods Exports?

According to the report released in February 2021, the home and kitchenware sector in Turkey increased by 21% last year compared to the same month. Approximately 85% of the exports in this sector consist of electrical small utensils, metal and plastic utensils. Even more surprising is that the statistics belong to plastic household and kitchen utensils. Compared to the first two months of 2020 and the first two months of 2021, the growth of 23.1% in this product group is quite remarkable. This growth rate indicates the success achieved with plastic utensils.

As in others, the most exports in this item were to European countries with 54.8%. The Middle East follows Europe with a share of 23.2%.


How Was the Success of Exporting Caught With Plastic Utensils?

Plastic has an important position in production and exports in the Turkish economy as a dynamic sector. As it is known, the most important issue in plastic household appliances is whether it poses a health risk. You can read our articles on this topic. Turkey's most important source of success is the production of healthy plastics. In addition, Turkey offers fast logistics to many countries with its geopolitical position. On the other hand, this success has increased with the advantages of taxation.Quality, affordable price advantage products and other successes have ensured that Turkey is among the top 10 most preferred countries in this sector.

On the other hand, many opportunities have arisen due to the pandemic. Plastic households and kitchen utensils, which cannot be obtained from China due to the pandemic, have enabled the Development of the Turkish market. With the development of the Turkish market, some products have started to be in high demand. These include household products such as saddles, buckets, strainers, mashrapas.


How Can I Choose the Best Supplier?

Many companies work in this field. However, companies try to gain a share of the market by differentiate in challenging competitive conditions. Companies that differ from competitors are among the most preferred. Buykanat has become the most reliable address in exports with the innovations it brings to e-commerce. Buykanat is able to deliver products to all parts of the world with both partial and wholesale sales. For this sector, Buykanat works with Kastamonu Plastik, a manufacturer of plastic utensils. Buykanat, which is the only address of safe e-export with 50 years of industry experience, offers special advantages with the opportunities it offers to its members.